Thursday, April 16, 2009

Oh, The Places You'll Go!

I love this book so much. Dr. Seuss is wonderful for all ages. I was given this book when I graduated from high school. It's an encouraging book for me. It talks about how everyone goes through bad times and there is always a lite at the end of the tunnel. I like reading this book when I'm feeling discouraged or stressed out about school or work or life in general. It helps to remind me that there are people who are there to help me through the bad times and there to celebrate with me in good times. I encourage everyone to read this book when you're having a bad day and see if it helps you too.

where the wild things are

I remember reading this book when i was younger and i loved it. I happened to be reading this book out loud while at my boyfriends house. He loved this book also, when he was younger. After reading it I didn't understand the draw to the book anymore. I didn't like it as much as I had when i was younger.